Newsletter 27 – March 2023

6 March 2023

It’s been a very busy month for the club and of course this is the time of the year when the Gents and Ladies Section meetings take place and we prepare for the AGM on the 2nd April. As such, this newsletter might be a bit shorter than usual. Thank G_d I hear you say!

This year’s AGM could be very interesting. There are several proposed changes to how the Club operates and these COULD affect every member. In particular, proposed changes to the existing two tier sections and the question of substitutes in internal league matches has reared it ‘ugly head’ again and several members have expressed concern about how these rules operate and how they are open to abuse. You will have already received a Revised Notice of AGM with the new proposals listed. These changes affect YOU so if you are not at the meeting, you cannot object to any changes approved at the AGM. Whatever changes are proposed, although it might not seem like it, they are done in the best interests of the Club and ALL its membership. Organisations such as Essex Indoor Bowls Association have already amalgamated the ladies with the men’s section and County League games next season with include both genders. So why not here at Ilford? I know it will be contentions but we have to move with the times. Please come to the AGM on the 2nd April and vote for your preferences.