Newsletter 29 – August 2023

19 August 2023

We hope that you have all had an enjoyable and successful outdoor season. With the summer slowly drawing to a close, it is time to start thinking about the Indoor season at Ilford.

Sincere thanks to all those members who helped lay the protective boards in April and helped or offered to help take them up on the 31st August in readiness for the season to start. This is a pretty onerous task and manually demanding but necessary so that the school next door can use our facilities for the exam season. The boards we use are getting old and damaged so we will be looking at alternative methods of protecting the green, hopefully in time for the exam season next year. The process will be much the same but we hope to use lighter and more resilient boards to make the job much easier.

The club will reopen on the 18th September 2023 for a week of rollups and practice. However, the green is being stretched on the 18th September so will not be available until approximately 10:30 on that morning. The bar will probably not be open as we use this first week to stock up and prepare for the season ahead. As such we will not be charging for roll ups between Monday the 18th and Friday 22nd September. Instead we ask members to make a small donation to our chosen charity which for the 23/24 season will be Tracy’s Trust.